
Our mission

is to unlock the full potential of data. For people, companies, and the future. To learn, to connect, and to grow. applydata is a data community initiative by diconium.

Our goal

is to harness the immense power of data, paving the way for individuals, businesses, and future advancements to thrive, unite, and expand.

Chatbot development: When Out-of-the-Box Solutions aren’t Enough


Chatbot development: When Out-of-the-Box Solutions aren’t Enough

by Marshall Mykietyshyn | 24 July 2024

Pre-training to Fine-tuning of LLMs


Pre-training to Fine-tuning of LLMs

by Oshada Kasun | 9 July 2024

From simple to advanced Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)


From simple to advanced Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

by Oshada Kasun | 13 June 2024

Product Owner vs. agile Project Manager: Skills and Collaboration in the Agile World

data management

Product Owner vs. agile Project Manager: Skills and Collaboration in the Agile World

by David Stolz | 4 June 2024

Decoding Data Literacy: an overview on how to become more data fluent

data management

Decoding Data Literacy: an overview on how to become more data fluent

by Maria Coppola | 16 May 2024

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trustworthy AI

Your AI. Trustworthy, certification-ready
and future-proof.

Ultimately, AI systems are decision-making systems. But trust in those decisions is key to realizing the potential of AI. Even if you bring a human into the loop, trust in the AI suggestions is key to adoption and return on investment.

applydata summit

The use of data is changing the way we work, do business and relate to each other. It’s up to us to grasp the opportunities ahead and realize the full potential of data. Join our data-savvy community and get real insights from leading pioneers of the data scene and exchange ideas, challenges and data use cases.

The Data Discovery Jam

You are already a data company – consciously or unconsciously, strategically organized or unsorted. Are you sure you are making full use of this data?

Let’s find out together.

data insights

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